sleep apnea

Still Waking Up On the Wrong Side of the Bed?

Studies show that sleep is vital to both your physical and mental well-being.

Without sleep, your brain is unable to repair itself from all the thinking you do each day.

Your body obviously needs sleep as well.

Not getting enough has been connected to a number of health problems including both cardiac and metabolism issues.

So why aren’t you getting a good night’s sleep?

There are numerous causes that could be keeping you up at night or not letting you sleep peacefully. From too much coffee after 3pm to sleeping on the wrong mattress, there’s a laundry list of possibilities.

But, has anyone ever told you that your snoring rattles the walls?

Have you been told you sound like you’re “sawing wood” when you sleep?

Heavy snoring or odd breathing patterns when you sleep may be a sign of sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a condition where either your airways can not stay open enough for you to breathe (obstructive sleep apnea) or your brain doesn’t send the right signals to control your breathing (central sleep apnea).

Around 936 million adults suffer from some form of sleep apnea, globally.

And, if not taken care of, it can do a lot more than make you grumpy in the morning…

So what can you do about it?

Continuous positive airway pressure may be what you need.

Yes, the famous CPAP.

You’ve probably heard of it, seen someone on TV using it or perhaps a relative is already part of the CPAP community.

Consult with your doctor to see if it’s right for you.

Or contact a sleep clinic.

In Korea, GNG Hospital Sleep Clinic is number one.

They’ll invite you in for a consultation and may then recommend a sleep study.

Be ready to spend a night with a bunch of wires taped your head while technicians figure out what’s happening to your mind and body.

No worries, though. It’s a very non-invasive test and staff at GNG will make you feel as comfortable as possible.

They’ll simply monitor you as you sleep and come up with the best treatment.

If that treatment ends up being a CPAP machine, welcome to the family.

In the US alone, around 33 million people go to bed each night with a machine that helps them sleep. A CPAP sends pressurized air into your nose, mouth, or both to keep your airways open while you slumber.

The machine is easy to use.

Most are set up by your doctor, but the controls are simple so adjustments can be made to get the best night’s sleep.

The CPAP machine sits by your bed.

A hose extends from it and is attached to a breathing mask.

The mask does take some getting used to.

Luckily there are various mask designs to choose from.

Some cover your nose while others go over both your nose and mouth.

A variety of straps and “headgear” are also available so you have loads of options.

Many people try out several masks before settling on the one that’s right for them.

Are the machines noisy?

The machine does make a kind of gentle breathing rhythm as it helps provide enough air for you to sleep comfortably. They aren’t silent, but if you’ve been snoring, the sound of a CPAP should be nothing for your loved ones.

Will you be able to sleep with something attached to your face?

It does take getting used to. Some people regularly toss and turn at night so keeping a CPAP mask in place can be tricky at first. But most find that the pressurized air helps them sleep more deeply, and therefore they tend to not roll around as much.

How long will you need to use it for?

Until a better solution comes around, CPAP is the most effective treatment for sleep apnea. So, plan on wearing that mask every night. Left untreated, sleep apnea can put you at great risk for various health issues and can affect your life expectancy.

A good night’s rest is priceless.

Imagine waking up in the morning and not feeling like you’ve barely slept.

CPAP users report being in better moods and more alert throughout the day.

  • Wouldn’t you love to be more productive?
  • Wouldn’t you love to not be the grumpiest one at the office?
  • Wouldn’t you love to possibly add years to your life?

To find out once and for all why you aren’t waking up feeling rested, or why your family keeps complaining about the sounds of the apocalypse coming out of your bedroom each night… 🤣

Contact GNG Hospital Sleep Clinic to book an appointment.


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